
The Value of the US Dollar

Its April 2013 and the value of the dollar is strong, and thus profits of USA companies with revenue from abroad are lowered, some as much as ten percent as the dollar strengthens.  Why the lowered profits?  Because, for example, 100 euros earned in Europe, when translated back to US dollars for reporting purposes, the 100 euros is worth maybe $75.  To combat this “loss,” some companies try to raise prices in their European or Mexican stores, but that carries a risk of alienating shoppers, angering retailers, and giving local competitors a price edge.  Some advantages of a strong dollar however are that companies with substantial outside USA operations, see their overseas expenses, such as salaries paid in euros, become cheaper.  Another advantage of a strong dollar is that it gives American companies greater firepower for international acquisitions.  Another advantage of a strong dollar is that companies that import benefit from greater buying power, since their dollars now go further overseas.

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